"Das Hochzeitsfest", 1986 (The Wedding Celebration), oil on canvas, 305 x 305 cm, Landesbank Baden Württemberg, Stuttgart, TH-1986-B-01
"Das Hochzeitsfest", 1986 [The Wedding Celebration], preparatory sketch, charcoal and acrylic on wood , 280 x 280 cm, Landesbank Baden Württemberg, TH-1986-Z-01
"Ein Gast", 1985 [A Guest], oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, Landesbank Baden Württemberg, TH-1985-B-07
"Mit geschlossenen Augen", 1985 [With Closed Eyes], oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, private collection, Mettmann, TH-1985-B-08
"Der Bräutigam", 1985 [The Groom], oil on canvas, 60 x 85cm, privat collection, Stuttgart, TH-1985-B-11
"Ohne Titel", 1986 (Untitled), oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, privat collection, Neuss, TH-1986-B-07
"Tag und Nacht", 1985 (Day and Night), oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, privat collection, Stuttgart, TH-1985-B-09
"Lichtvase", 1985 [Light Vase], oil on canvas, 60 x 85, privat collection, Stuttgart, TH-1985-B-12
"Seife und Wasser", 1986 [Soap and Water], oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, Landesbank Baden Württemberg, Stuttgart, TH-1986-B-06
"Tafelwasser", 1985 [Table Water], oil on canvas, 60 x 30 cm, Thomas Huber, Berlin, TH-1985-B-01
"Tafelwasser", 1985 [Table Water], oil on canvas, 60 x 30 cm, privat collection, Mettmann, TH-1985-B-02
"Tafelwasser", 1985 [Table Water], oil on canvas, 60 x 30 cm, privat collection, Stuttgart, TH-1985-B-03
"Dampfende Serviette", 1985 [Steaming Napkin], oil on canvas, 85 x 60 cm, privat collection, Stuttgart, TH-1985-B-05
"Gelber Teller", 1985 (Yellow Plate), oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, privat collection, Basel, TH-1985-B-06
"Die Phasengrenze", 1985 [The Phase Border], oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, privat collection, Stuttgart, TH-1985-B-10
"Waldlichtung I", 1985 [Forest Clearing], oil on canvas, 40 x 80 cm, privat collection, Bochum, TH-1985-B-13
"Der Schwamm", 1986 [The Sponge] oil on canvas, 40 x 60 cm, private collection, Bochum, TH-1986-B-02
"Die Hochzeitskleider", 1986 [The Wedding Clothes], oil on canvas, 80 x 100 cm, privat collection, Stuttgart,TH-1986-B-03