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Thomas Huber

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The Wedding Celebration

"Das Hochzeitsfest", 1986
(The Wedding Celebration), oil on canvas, 305 x 305 cm, Landesbank Baden Württemberg, Stuttgart, TH-1986-B-01

"When a painting is exhibited then many people come together. The painting becomes a social event. It does not remain simply the reason for a gathering, rather lends those that have come by a form in which they can encounter each other. A painting, certainly, is a composition. When composed it means only the network formed by those who have come to observe the painting."
   -T.H. Das Hochzeitsfest [The Wedding Celebration]-

> Graphics and Multiples (2)


Familienbildnisse.jpg "Familienbildnisse", 1992
(Family Paintings), Familienbildnisse. Album mit elf Bilder [Famila Paintings. Album with Eleven Paintings], Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Edition Beckers (ed.), Publisher: Jürgen Häusser, Darmstadt, 1992, 24 pages, 14 illustrations, format: 25.7 x 18.4 cm.

  PDF:  Der-erotische-Blick-1992.pdf
  PDF:  Le-regard-erotique-1992.pdf
  PDF:  La-fete-des-noces.pdf

Gallery (18)

TH-1986-B-01.jpg "Das Hochzeitsfest", 1986
(The Wedding Celebration), oil on canvas, 305 x 305 cm, Landesbank Baden Württemberg, Stuttgart, TH-1986-B-01
TH-1986-Z-01.jpg "Das Hochzeitsfest", 1986
[The Wedding Celebration], preparatory sketch, charcoal and acrylic on wood , 280 x 280 cm, Landesbank Baden Württemberg, TH-1986-Z-01
TH-1985-B-07.jpg "Ein Gast", 1985
[A Guest], oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, Landesbank Baden Württemberg, TH-1985-B-07
TH-1985-B-08.jpg "Mit geschlossenen Augen", 1985
[With Closed Eyes], oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, private collection, Mettmann, TH-1985-B-08
TH-1985-B-11.jpg "Der Bräutigam", 1985
[The Groom], oil on canvas, 60 x 85cm, privat collection, Stuttgart, TH-1985-B-11
TH-1986-B-07.jpg "Ohne Titel", 1986
(Untitled), oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, privat collection, Neuss, TH-1986-B-07
TH-1985-B-09.jpg "Tag und Nacht", 1985
(Day and Night), oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, privat collection, Stuttgart, TH-1985-B-09
TH-1985-B-12.jpg "Lichtvase", 1985
[Light Vase], oil on canvas, 60 x 85, privat collection, Stuttgart, TH-1985-B-12
TH-1986-B-06.jpg "Seife und Wasser", 1986
[Soap and Water], oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, Landesbank Baden Württemberg, Stuttgart, TH-1986-B-06
TH-1985-B-01.jpg "Tafelwasser", 1985
[Table Water], oil on canvas, 60 x 30 cm, Thomas Huber, Berlin, TH-1985-B-01
TH-1985-B-02.jpg "Tafelwasser", 1985
[Table Water], oil on canvas, 60 x 30 cm, privat collection, Mettmann, TH-1985-B-02
TH-1985-B-03.jpg "Tafelwasser", 1985
[Table Water], oil on canvas, 60 x 30 cm, privat collection, Stuttgart, TH-1985-B-03
TH-1985-B-05.jpg "Dampfende Serviette", 1985
[Steaming Napkin], oil on canvas, 85 x 60 cm, privat collection, Stuttgart, TH-1985-B-05
TH-1985-B-06.jpg "Gelber Teller", 1985
(Yellow Plate), oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, privat collection, Basel, TH-1985-B-06
TH-1985-B-10.jpg "Die Phasengrenze", 1985
[The Phase Border], oil on canvas, 60 x 85 cm, privat collection, Stuttgart, TH-1985-B-10
TH-1985-B-13.jpg "Waldlichtung I", 1985
[Forest Clearing], oil on canvas, 40 x 80 cm, privat collection, Bochum, TH-1985-B-13
TH-1986-B-02.jpg "Der Schwamm", 1986
[The Sponge] oil on canvas, 40 x 60 cm, private collection, Bochum, TH-1986-B-02
TH-1986-B-03.jpg "Die Hochzeitskleider", 1986
[The Wedding Clothes], oil on canvas, 80 x 100 cm, privat collection, Stuttgart,TH-1986-B-03
> Graphics and Multiples (2)

Thu 12 Sep 2024 - 20:06:42

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