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Thomas Huber

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Huberville (Viewing Place) - Graphics and Multiples

Gallery (4)

TH-1998-G-01.jpg "Charité", 1998
[Charity] Silkscreen, 4 colours, 70 x 90 cm, Deutsches Rote Kreuz/
Galerie KUNSTWERK, Düsseldorf, edition: 150, signed, TH-1998-G-01
TH-1998-G-03.jpg "Das Bild", 1998
[The Painting] Silkscreen, 85 x 122.8 cm without margins, publisher: HBK Braunschweig, annual edition 1998, edition: 100, signed and numbered, TH-1998-G-03
TH-1998-G-04.jpg "Schauplatz", 1998
[Viewing Place], computer print behind glass, 66 x 96 cm, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf, printer: Tiedmann Siebdruck, Viersen, edition of 35 prints, signed and numbered, TH-1998-G-04
TH-1998-G-05.jpg "Bibliothek", 1998
[Library] 4 colour behind glass print, 66 x 96 cm, publisher: self-published, printing: Tiedmann Siebdruck, Viersen, edition: 3, signed and numbered, TH-1998-G-05

Wed 17 Jul 2024 - 02:36:41

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