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Thomas Huber

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Graphics and Multiples

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TH-1994-G-01.jpg "O.T.", 1994
(Untitled), Engraving / Vélin, 300g/m² Hahnemühle Echt-Bütten, 22.2 x 33.1 on 60 x 80 cm, publisher: Deutschen Bank Bauspar AG 1994, printer: Peter Froese, printed at Kätelhön, Möhnsee-Wamel, edition: 100, signed, numbered, and dated, TH-1994-G-01

Ladies and Gentlemen >> Graphics and Multiples >> Gallery
TH-1994-G-02.jpg "Das Atelier", 1994
[The Studio], Silkscreen on hand-made paper, 24 x 30 cm and 31 x 42,5 (paper), edition: 15, publisher: Galerie Claire Burrus, printer: Atelier Limited, Münster, dated in Roman numerals, signed, TH-1994-G-02

Looking at a Painting >> Graphics and Multiples >> Gallery
TH-1994-G-03.jpg "Das Lager", 1994
(The Storeroom), Silkscreen on hand-made paper, 24 x 30 cm, edition: 15, publisher: Galerie Claire Burrus, printer: Atelier Limited, Münster, dated in Roman numerals, signed, TH-1994-G-03

Looking at a Painting >> Graphics and Multiples >> Gallery
TH-1994-G-04.jpg "Die Ausstellung", 1994
[The Exhibition], Silkscreen on hand-made paper, 24 x 30 cm, edition: 15, publisher: Galerie Claire Burrus, printer: Atelier Limited, Münster, dated in Roman numerals, signed, TH-1994-G-04

Looking at a Painting >> Graphics and Multiples >> Gallery
TH-1994-G-05.jpg "Vor der Rede", 1994
[Before the Talk], Silkscreen on hand-made paper, 21 x 31 cm, edition: 15, publisher: Galerie Claire Burrus, printer: Atelier Limited, Münster, dated in Roman numerals, signed, TH-1994-G-05

Looking at a Painting >> Graphics and Multiples >> Gallery
TH-1994-GM-02.jpg "Krawatten", 1994
[Ties], Jaccard technique in at least 5 different colours, pure silk, 151 x 10 cm, very high edition, Fred Sieker Edition, TH-1994-M-01

The Wedding Celebration >> Graphics and Multiples >> Gallery
TH-1993-M-01.jpg "Ideale Bildtemperatur", 1993
(Ideal Painting Temperature), Silkscreen behind glass, glass thermometer, 60 x 15 x 2 cm, publisher: Edition1993, Kunstring Folkwang Essen, edition: 6, TH-1993-M-01

Ideal Painting Temperature >> Graphics and Multiples >> Gallery
Der-Duft-.jpg "Der Duft des Geldes (Die Seife)", 1992
[The Scent of Money], multiple, Soap und Leporello in Karton-Box, 12x12x4cm, Verleger: Centraal Museum Utrecht, Auflage: min. 1000, TH-1992-M-08.

The Bank, a Representation of Value >> Graphics and Multiples >> Gallery
TH-1992-G-01.jpg "Bank in der Nacht", 1992
(Bank in the Night), 11 silkscreen / 1 collotype printing, Fabriano, 300 gr./m², 50 x 100cm / 80 x 129 cm, edition: 50 copies, edition Achenbach, Düsseldorf, printer: Domberger, Stuttgart, signed and numbered, TH-1992-G-01

The Bank, a Representation of Value >> Graphics and Multiples >> Gallery
TH-1992-G-02.jpg "Arkade", 1992
[Arcade], 8 silkscreen prints, Fabriano, 300 gr./m², 50 x 67 on 80 x 96 cm, edition: 50 copies, edition Achenbach, Düsseldorf, printer: Domberger, Stuttgart, signed and numbered, TH-1992-G-02

The Bank, a Representation of Value >> Graphics and Multiples >> Gallery
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> Publications by Thomas Huber
> Texts by Other Authors
> Periodicals

Tue 16 Jul 2024 - 23:49:08

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